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Which Forming Techniques Do Stainless Steel Fabricators Prefer?

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There are all sorts of different forming techniques that are used for materials like stainless steel in industry. For example, bending processes are extremely commonplace for tubular stainless steel, while sections of plate stainless steel are often welded together to make bigger and more complex structures. That said, stainless steel fabricators tend to prefer particular techniques which they have honed. Although these will differ depending on the fabrication firm in question, there are some common methods that you will find all over Australia. Read on to find more about the sort of forming techniques stainless steel fabricators make use of today.

Block Forming

To begin with, block forming is an extremely effective method for stainless steel fabricators because it requires very little set up time and few expensive tools. As such, it is ideal for short runs where a low level of expenditure needs to be maintained. Essentially, block forming allows for component shapes to be created by pushing down onto the metal with a hydraulic press. Usually, a wooden block or a polyurethane mould is used, and the press pushes down such that the stainless steel takes the shape of the block in question. This process can be repeated using the same block formation process, but the one drawback is that the block itself will deform over time. Therefore, either a new one has to be created or the components being created will become progressively worse.


Hydroforming is a process that is extremely effective when small runs of components are required. They are also suited to fabrication projects where distinct shapes need to be made. Under a typical hydroforming process, the stainless steel is stretched over a die. Because the process uses hydraulic pressure, the formation process is more even. As a result, stainless steel fabricators can obtain a smoother end result which is virtually free from scuffs and other malformations. This means that less time and energy are required afterward to polish the stainless steel once more to make it look as attractive as it did at the start.


Although band sawing is still one of the most popular methods for stainless steel fabricators to use, it is by no means the only cutting option available. These days, stainless steel fabricators are just as likely to have plasma or laser cutting devices at their disposal, both of which do an incredibly accurate job. In addition, abrasive disc cutting has become increasingly popular among fabricators working on specialist projects.

To learn more, contact a stainless steel fabricator.
